URL: snobhotelparis.comEntreprise, organisme : SAS SEH HOTEL DE LA VALLEE\n82-84, rue Saint Denis\n75001 Paris - France\ncontact@snobhotelparis.com\nCapital social : 42 000,00 €nTVA : FR66 788 110 468\nRCS : PARIS B 788 110 468\nSIRET: 788 110 468 000 14\nObjectif du site : Promotion de l'établissement\nDirecteur de la publication, représentant légal : M. Alexandre CAYLA\nEditorial manager: M. Alexandre CAYLA\nWeb master, design, revision, artistic direction: Cendyn France SAS\nPhotography: Nicolas Anetson\nWeb hosting: Cendyn France SAS\nChairman of Cendyn France SAS: Michael Bennett\nThis site features:\n● Informative content\n● On-line data collection\nComputer law and freedom: the site has been declared to the Commission Nationale Informatique et Liberté. You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you (art. 34 of the French Data Protection Act). To exercise this right, please contact: contact@snobhotelparis.com Property: This site and the information it contains are protected by French intellectual property law and international conventions. Except for use within the family circle or for private use, the site and no element of its content may be reproduced, republished, retranscribed, modified or retransmitted without the prior authorization of the rightful owners.\nMEDIATOR - DISPUTE SETTLEMENTConsumers who have a dispute with a professional can contact the online dispute resolution platform (RLL): https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=FR Consumers who have a dispute with a professional can contact the AME Conso:\n- either via the Internet (https://www.mediationconso-ame.com) by completing the dedicated form provided, accompanied by the documents supporting the claim.\n- or by post: AME Conso, 197 Boulevard Saint-Germain, 75007 Paris, with supporting documents.\nAfter contacting customer service and in the absence of a satisfactory response within one month, the customer may refer the matter to the Centre de Médiation et d'Arbitrage de Paris, whose contact details are given below:\nAMEn11 place Dauphine\n75001 PARIS\nwww.mediateurseuropeens.In accordance with article L. 223-2 of the French Consumer Code, the consumer has the right to register on the telephone canvassing opposition list: "When a professional collects telephone data from a consumer, he informs the consumer of his right to register on the telephone canvassing opposition list. When this collection of information takes place at the time of concluding a contract, the contract mentions, in a clear and comprehensible manner, the existence of this right for the consumer."\nIn application of article L.521-1 du Code de la Consommation, le consommateur a la possibilité de s\'inscrire sur la liste d\'opposition au démarchage téléphonique liée au dispositif Blocctel.\nSubscribe free of charge to this list at www.bloctel.gouv.fr (http://www.bloctel.gouv.fr/)\n" Conditions de vente du tarif"\nCancellation or modification due to the customer\n1. In accordance with article L. 221-28 of the French Consumer Code, customers are reminded that they do not have the right of withdrawal provided for in article L. 221-18 of the French Consumer Code.2. The conditions of sale of the reserved fare specify the terms and conditions for cancelling and/or modifying the reservation.3. Reservations with prepayment cannot be modified and/or cancelled. No refunds will be made for deposits paid in advance. In such cases, this will be stated in the fare's conditions of sale.4. When the conditions of sale of the rate reserved allow it:\n- the cancellation of the reservation can be carried out directly on the Site or the Mobile Services via the heading "Consult or cancel your reservation";\n- the modification of the reservation can be carried out directly with the hotel, whose telephone coordinates are specified on the confirmation of the reservation sent by e-mail.\n5. In the event of interruption of the stay due to the customer's fault, the entire agreed price will be cashed. In the case of reservations with prepayment, no refund will be granted.\n6. Unless otherwise expressly agreed, the customer must vacate the room by 12.00 p.m. on the day the reservation ends. Failure to do so will result in an additional night's charge.\n7. All reservations are nominative and may under no circumstances be transferred to a third party, whether free of charge, for a fee or on a commercial basis.\nFor any complaint relating to a hotel reservation, the hotel team is at your disposal:\nTo write to us:\nHôtel Snob82-84, rue Saint Denis75001 Paris - France